Meet and greet Edouard

July 30, 2024

Hawk Meet Greet : meet Edouard Petitjean, Head of Sales France at Hawk (Azerion)

Written by Lucie Marand

Hello Edouard, can you quickly introduce yourself?

My name is Edouard, I’m 39 years old, I have a little boy aged 2 and a half, Georges, and I’ve been in the digital world for just over 12 years. I’ve had the opportunity to work for some great advertising agencies such as 20 Minutes, Les Echos and L’Equipe, and I joined Hawk at the beginning of 2023. 


What exactly is your position and role at Hawk (Azerion group)?

I’m Head of Sales for the DSP activity of the French market.

My role is to ensure that as many agencies, advertisers and partners as possible use Hawk as a DSP, and of course that as many campaigns as possible are run on Hawk.

Our role is, of course, to advise and support our customers. Customer satisfaction is our priority. What I particularly like is that every day is different!


What 3 adjectives would your team use to describe you?

Persevering, reliable and positive.


In your opinion, what is your greatest success at Hawk?

My success is the fact that I was given the opportunity to form the team in charge of the DSP for France and of course the success of our performances! 

Then, of course, the acquisition by Azerion, which has opened up new horizons and exciting prospects for us in the years to come.


What is your daily mantra?

Don’t wait for an opportunity, create it!


Finally, what are your passions?

Off-road motorcycling, football (PSG, sorry for the Marseillais) and above all my family! 

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