Meet & greet Eva

August 22, 2024

Hawk Meet & Greet: meet Eva Bardot, Head of Publisher FR & BE at Hawk (Azerion)

Written by Lucie Marand

Hello Eva, can you quickly introduce yourself?

Hello, my name is Eva, I’m 32 and I joined Hawk 5 years ago, after 3 years at Havas Media.


What exactly is your position and role at Hawk (Azerion group)?

I’m in charge of managing and developing relationships with our publisher and SSP partners in order to gain an overall view of the market and make appropriate media recommendations to our clients.  

We then support them in the operational monitoring of their campaigns. Customer satisfaction is our priority. 


What struck you most when you joined the company? 

When I started at Tabmo (now Hawk), I was particularly struck by the obsession with customer satisfaction and the involvement of each employee in their day-to-day duties. It’s pleasant and stimulating to work with people who are brilliant and passionate! 


What 3 adjectives would your team use to describe you?

I’ve been told: available, cheerful, and tenacious 😉


What is your daily mantra?

I’m getting closer to the best version of myself.


Finally, what are your passions?

I’ve always been fascinated by horses. I’ve been riding for a very long time. I love traveling and partying with friends, but I’m also very regular at the gym. It’s all a question of balance 🙂 

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