black friday

July 30, 2024

Black Friday: our winning strategies for attracting audiences to your shops

Written by Lucie Marand

A key annual event for retailers and e-tailers, Black Friday will be held this year on 24 November. Launched in the United States and now popular the world over, this day marks the start of the end-of-year shopping season and is characterised by exceptional discounts and offers from brands.

So how can you make this event a real success by attracting maximum traffic to your shops? In this article, we present our winning strategies with three examples of complementary activations. 


Use digital audio to get closer to your audience

According to Kantar Media, +288% of advertisers invested in digital audio during Q1 2024 compared to Q1 2020!

Digital audio is booming because it enables brands to reach active listeners in any environment, on any format, and throughout the day. 

Stand out from the crowd and communicate on your Black Friday operations thanks to the power of audio, within a variety of universes: the most popular webradios, the most widely used streaming platforms, or even the most affinity podcasts. You can benefit from perfect contextualisation by broadcasting your adverts on podcasts that are relevant to your target audience.


Complete your strategy with DOOH in strategic locations

DOOH (Digital Out-Of-Home) is a particularly interesting lever for reaching a very wide audience, both indoors and outdoors. Combined with digital audio and mobile display, it will be particularly effective in maximising the reach of your message. 

We advise you to select and activate DOOH screens strategically positioned around your shops or those of your competitors, in order to capture the attention of your audiences and develop the intention to visit! 

What’s more, with programmatic buying increasing the possibilities offered by DOOH tenfold, this mass medium now offers countless possibilities for contextualised activation and targeting.

Unlike OOH, DOOH also offers the flexibility to update creative almost in real time, which can be an interesting use case for brands wishing to communicate progressive discounts, for example.


Maximise visits with engaging mobile features

There’s nothing like engaging formats to ensure in-store visits. We recommend that you attract your audiences during Black Friday using mobile display formats with the right functionality: 

  • An ‘Add to Calendar’ function enabling your prospects to add a reminder to their calendar. 
  • A GPStore function with a call-to-action, e.g. ‘I’m off!’, to guide your audience to your nearest shop.
  • A ‘Product Preview’ function, to help your audiences preview your products and all the personalisation options before they visit the shop. 


By implementing an omnichannel strategy across several levers, you’ll maximise the effectiveness of your campaign to ensure maximum visits to your points of sale during Black Friday.

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